Thursday, February 23, 2012

A new obsession...or two

Recently I may or may not have become slightly obsessed with Pinterest.    What is Pinterest?  According to the website, it is a Virtual Pinboard that lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web.  What a great idea!  A place where you can go to be inspired by looking at pictures and projects and food.   The problem is that you can easily get lost browsing the pins of others and never have the time to actually try anything that you personally pin.  In other words, it is easy to become a Pinterest Addict.   And apparently I am not the only one to think this, because I quick google search lead me to these:

I have actually tried to break free of pinterest addiction by setting a few rules.  I can browse people's pins, but I can't become a drone and simply repin what I see.  Instead I have to limit most of my pins to things I discover on my own.  That way Pinterest truly is a log of things that inspire me.  I also have to actually make some of the things that I pin.  Which leads me to my second new obsession--green smoothies. 

A few weeks ago while on Pinterest, I saw a pin for Green Smoothies.  We are a family of breakfast skippers, so I thought this would be a great way to not only have something quick we can grab as we run our different directions, but also a great way to get more fruit and veges in our diet. 

And this time I didn't just pin the page, I actually made the smoothie. 

 I put some bananas,
frozen fruit,
 and a cup or two of water into my blender. 
Hit the smoothie button and watch it go...

 I know it doesn't look the most appetizing
(my husband told me it looks like baby poop)
But trust me, it's delicious! 

One pin down!  I'll let you know when I'm successful with another.

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