and removed the mold.
Next came off the contact paper...
and removed the mold.
Next came off the contact paper...
Well, the day finally arrived. I fought back the urge to skip the Continental Craft Show, and instead loaded up my van, picked up a wagon from a friends and drove to the Reservations Center. The first thing that struck me when I arrived was how small my table was. I didn't have a ton of stuff to sell, but I definitely had more than would fit on my table. So lesson number one of this experience: Find out how big your space is. Luckily my friend Becky was also coming to sell things (Becky is the real reason I didn't chicken out!), and she didn't need her whole table. So we set up next to each other and I put things on part of her table. What didn't fit ended up under the table, which in the end worked out fine.
So the big question is was the craft show successful? The answer is yes and no.
If you go by sales, the craft show was kind of a bust. I sold 4 items.
One banana holder
Finally the cement was all used up! I cleaned up my equipment, and vowed never to mix an entire bag of cement again. Unless of course I am prepared to make 6 stones. Or I black out this whole experience and totally forget what a mistake mixing a whole bag is. With my memory that is a distinct possibility. But hopefully the fact that I am writing about this experience will prevent such a thing. Hopefully!
Now, since I am writing this post long after I actually did this work I can jump forward and show you the results. I guess getting behind does have at least one small benefit. So after spending all of the 5th in Austin, I went into the garage on the morning of the 6th to turn out my stones.
This was really fun to make. I loved cutting the glass as I designed it. I will definitely do more of these kinds of stones.
As I was working in my crowded, cluttered garage, I was reminded of a very important step in making stepping stones.
Why, you ask? This is why:
Stones are tender when they first come out of the molds. Especially ones you haven't reinforced with wire. I was working in a small space where all my new stones were laid out on the ground. I tried to step over the stones, but ended up stepping on one. It immediately cracked. What a waste! But at least it was just one of the extra stones that was only made out of the left over cement. I would have cried if it had been my mosaic one!
So there you have my story of the stones. Coming next is my account of more glass cutting and and mosaics. I would do it now, but my blog isn't the only thing I have neglected. Poor Dakota is way past due for a walk. And she has been actively hinting that she wants one for the past hr. So check back again soon. There should be another update soon.