Lazy Susans:
Kitchen Tools Holder:
Banana Holder: Frames:
Let me know what you think I should focus on for the craft sale next week. Thanks for your help!
Banana Holder: Frames:
Let me know what you think I should focus on for the craft sale next week. Thanks for your help!
I love Rosie. She is strong, she is powerful, and she helps me know I can do it!
We headed outside. Once again, the frames had to wait.
After Dakota's pleas were satisfied, it was time to get to work. So I went to THE BOX...
And took off the lid...
So many frames. Frames made by my two youngest girls...
...and by friends who no longer live in Houston. Frames that would finally be finished...
So I mixed up some grout, grabbed a frame, and went to work.
My girls couldn't believe we were FINALLY going to finish the frames. Rachel grabbed one she had made and started grouting too. Look how excited she is!
We soon discovered that we had to conquer the "it's been too long" learning curve again--one of the consequences of letting things go undone. But we kept working, completing several frames.And in the process I discovered the real reason I think THE BOX sat under my table for so long. Turns out it's really not that fun finishing other people's projects. It's just not the same when you miss out on the creation. But this was work that had to be done. The fun will come later when I can start new project. So I pushed on to the bottom of my grout bucket. After the frames had set for a few minutes, a sponge and some water finished up the prep work. And took a break to allow the grout to really harden.
Then the sponge and water came back out--wiping off the last remnants of the grout of the glass. And now, those far away friends just have to wait for me to get to the post office...
And my girls have a few of their frames done--at be sold or gifted. Who knows? But we have made a dent in my craft to do list. Hopefully the rest won't stay in THE BOX much longer.