So I managed to recover from my brain lapse on Wednesday, and actually finished in time to give my baby her quilt Friday night with her other gifts. Hurray for the Queen of Procrastination! I unpicked, stitched, unpicked again (you didn't really think I could finish without another brain lapse did you?), and stitched again and at noon on the big day the quilt looked like this:
and spent two hrs clipping seams to make the quilt look like this:

Dakota was impressed! But would the birthday girl be?
I then plopped myself down in a comfy chair with these:
Since these rag quilts shed like you can't believe, you never want to wash them in your home machine because you run the risk of plugging up your pipes. So the next step was to head to the laundromat to fray the quilt and try to remove most of the shedding. I loaded up the quilt as well as my sleeping bags that needed to be washed and was off. I used 6 machines almost $20 in quarters cleaning and drying my load. The quilt was washed, shook (to get the shedded threads off), dried, shook, washed, shook, dried, shook, dried, shook, dried, shook..... well you get the picture....until it was mostly thread free and only slightly damp. I then headed home, threw it in my dryer to finish drying it, and got it into a gift bag before my baby and her friends returned from the Youth Conference they had been to all day. Finished it looked like this:
Then the moment of truth. She grabbed the bag with the quilt, and pulled it out. Several of her friends said, "Oh, how cute". What was my baby's response? "Oh Mom, this was a Christmas present not a birthday one". Can you feel the love? She then repented and thanked me for "finally" finishing it. She really does love it.
I just wish teenager's memories would fail like mine. That way she would have simply been thrilled to get it, instead of being thrilled to FINALLY get it. But I guess that is just the price I have to pay for being so dang good at procrastination!

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